1 Hour Online SmokeStopper Session for 1st Responders

A 1-hour online presentation for 1st Responders that provides an overview of flow path management theory and an introduction to the safe and effective deployment of the SmokeStopper.

On-Site Flowpath Management Theory/Practical for 1st Responders

An 8-hour program utilizing interactive classroom & realistic field exercises customized for the host agency to provide a strong foundation of flow path management using the SmokeStopper.

1 Hr On-Line SmokeStopper Introduction for Health Care Providers

A 1-hour online presentation providing an overview of the steps that can be taken by hospital staff to control the flow of smoke and limit the severity of a fire through deployment of a SmokeStopper.

4 Hr On-Site SmokeStopper Train-the-Trainer for Health Care Providers

A 4-hour program utilizing interactive classroom presentations and hands on evolutions designed for hospital and health care staff in a Train-the-Trainer format for using the SmokeStopper.

Defensive PPV Operations at Goppingen Fire 15August2014

A short video outlining defensive PPV operations at a multi-family residential occupancy using smoke curtain devices. Operation: Göppingen (DE) - John-A.-Holbrook-Street No. 11 - 2014.08.15 Credit: Michael Reick

A Typical Example of Smoke Curtain Use (Fire Engineering)

An great training article from Fire Engineering (September 2014) in which Dr. Michael Reick describes use of the portable smoke blocking device at the Goppingen Apartment Fire 2014

DVD 1 ATF FRL Understanding Modern Fire Environment Flow Paths, Fuels & Ventilation

Part 1 of a 3 part series from ATF FRL Engineer Adam St. John focusing on Modern Fire Dynamics and reviewing Firefighter LODDs in which flow path, ventilation and fire growth were contributing factors.

DVD 2 ATF FRL Understanding Modern Fire Environment Flow Paths, Fuels & Ventilation

Part 2 of a 3 part series from ATF FRL Engineer Adam St. John focusing on Modern Fire Dynamics and reviewing Firefighter LODDs in which flow path, ventilation and fire growth were contributing factors.

DVD 3 ATF FRL Understanding Modern Fire Environment Flow Paths, Fuels & Ventilation

Part 3 of a 3 part series from ATF FRL Engineer Adam St. John focusing on Modern Fire Dynamics and reviewing Firefighter LODDs in which flow path, ventilation and fire growth were contributing factors.

ATF Programs: Ventilation Driven Fire Dynamics for Fire Investigators/Fire Service

ATF Fire Research Laboratory Engineer Adam St. John discusses ventilation limited fire conditions using live fire demonstrations to illustrate contributing factors in several LODD’s involving flow path.

Fan Combined with Smoke Blocking Device at Entrance Door

Combined use of a smoke blocking device and PPV fan being demonstrated in a fire drill at IFRT in Külsheim/Germany in October 2014 to manage the flow path on an outward swinging exterior door.

KTFBurns Demonstration of Smoke Curtain Demonstration with Reduced Staffing

Kill the Flashover (KTF) utilizes a smoke blocking device for anti-ventilation to control fire development in a simulation highlighting control measures that can be exercised during a reduced staffing response.

Live Fire Training Observations of Air Flow Past a Smoke Blocking Device

Observations during a live fire training in Poland in 2014. Even if you think that there is no flow, the wind has a major impact. Watch the movement of the fabric in a "nearly no wind situation".

KTF (2013) Impact of Door Control on Compartment Temperatures

Great work by our brothers at KTF as they demonstrate the effects of door control on compartment temperatures during well-developed fire conditions recorded at the KTF Burns in Shelby, NC (2011).

Dublin Fire Brigade PPV & SmokeStopper Training 2017

The Dublin Fire Brigade training on combining the use of PPV and a smoke blocking device to assist in fire containment and limitation of damage during structural firefighting operations.

NIST/UL (2013) Presentation on Fire Behaviour and Tactical Considerations

A 40 minute video of the NIST/UL Presentation at the 2013 IAFF Redmund Symposium featuring presentations on Fire Behavior & Tactical Considerations by Dan Madrzykowski (NIST) and Steve Kerber (UL FSRI).

Sapeurs Pompiers (France) SmokeStopper Training Video

A well produced video from our brothers and sisters in France (i.e. French titles) as they demonstrate effective deployment of smoke blocking devices during various structural firefighting operations.

NIST Review of 2011 San Francisco Hillside Structure fire and LODD of Two Firefighters

Video summary of the June 2, 2011 hillside structure fire that resulted in the line of duty deaths of two members of the San Francisco Fire Department who perished as result of injuries sustained in the flow path of the fire.

NIST Review of 2012 Chicago House Fire and the LODD of Captain Herbie Johnson

NIST analysis of flow path conditions that developed during a November 2, 2012 Chicago house fire that resulted in the loss of CFD Captain Herbie Johnson.  Respect all those impacted and learn the lessons paid for with this tragic loss.

BIG Fire & Ventilation Showing Use of the Smokestopper to Control Smoke and Heat

A great video from BIG Fire & Ventilation showing the SmokeStopper being used to minimize smoke and heat spread beyond the original fire compartment in a multi-unit residential occupancy.

16-24 Hr Tactical Ventilation and Flow Path Management

An 16-24 hour program utilizing interactive classroom & realistic field exercises customized for the host agency to provide a strong foundation of flow path management using the SmokeStopper.

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